Genre Research
Genre Research- Romantic Comedy
The generic element of the theme romantic comedy are;The content- People are looking for love, the music is soft and up lifting which makes the audiences heart race with excitement. The main actors start of either upset or unhappy with their life or current relationship but always towards the end they would of found love and happiness with someone they have become extremely found of over a time period.
The theme- The theme is always somebody in the movie who is looking for love and happiness and eventually find it towards the end of the movie.
Signifiers- The setting is always peaceful and music that is uplifting and slow which has a hidden meaning that its slow enough to slow dance too.
Character Types- The characters are usually like regular normal people so the audience can fit in and feel they are in the movie. They also sometimes do crazy things which becomes funny for the audience as they can relate to the madness the characters are going through.
Setting- There isn't really a setting that always occurs in these movies/ genre.
The movies in this genre can be very relatable to the audience as they have more than likely been in a similar situation to the character in the movie.
The sub-genes for a romantic comedy is that it will always have a small bit of drama that the characters make seem casual with is almost unseen by the audience.
The cross- genericity works, as many movies have ben popular in this genre and have become very famous e.g. The Holiday.
The Holiday: Comedy, Drama and Romance

This movies is about two female leading characters who are going through a tuff time in their life and need a break away, so they switch homes for the Christmas holiday and go on a new journey where along the way they meet new people and by the end they fall in love. (finishes on new years eve). The theme of The Holiday is that its that the main female actresses look for love but don't realise they are doing it as they went on holiday to get away from their previous partners and meet someone who they eventually fall in love with, also female audience members can relate to the majority of the audience (females who are struggling with relationships). This movie signifies that you can find love and happiness in the world which brings an uplifting atmosphere to the audiences which is why its a most watch movie at Christmas as its set in the time period and makes readers feel love at Christmas time.
It has the sub - genres drama and comedy because there is drama when one of the leading characters Amanda punches her ex-boyfriend in the face for cheating and when Miles sees his girlfriend cheating on him as he is in the movie store with Iris. The comedy is when Amanda is continuously taking when she is with Graham in the beginning in the movie because she is nervous and it is also when Iris is with Arthur doing a work out. Little things in this movie make the audience laugh as its the actors that make the movie come alive as if your sitting in side of it. However the drama of the movie feels like your actually involved but even these two genres can over lap as a peace of drama content can also make the audience laugh.
This movies makes the audience feel uplifted as well as well as laughter and a dramatic moment. It makes the audience feel like this movie could be their life as most of the audience will be relatable to Iris as she is a regular London girl who is a writer for a local news paper who is madly in love but got her heart broken and needs to get away for the holidays and meets new and intriguing people. She goes on a crazy journey but relatable journey.
Its sub - genres aren't shown or immediately recognised in the movie as it has a huge romance side to the movie but it still falls in the comedy and drama category. The director has done this for a reason so that they can target a wider range of audiences.
Balancing the differences and repetitions out in the movie is key as the movie wouldn't flow as we as it does because the movie wouldn't be as enjoyable to watch and it also targets a bigger majority of the audience as they become more interested in the movie and start to fall in love with the movie.
Finally, this movie become one of the most popular Christmas movies to watch as the journeys the of the women made people fall in love with the storyline of the movie which made them continuously watch every year and become a tradition for most family's.
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