News Paper Front Page Analysis

News Paper Article- 

For the front page I chose the story about Prince Charles breaking his wrist as the main story. Then the two minor stories where about Parkinson's disease and about the bank increasing the percentage of interest. 

The target audience for this news paper article are men, who read the basic news papers like the sun and the daily mail which are red top news papers. 

The target audience for this news paper are men who read red top news papers as it is suited more for them. They also want quick news stories that they can spare a few minutes to read.

Galtung & Ruge Theory:

I've placed the Prince Charles story at the top because according to this theory , as the size of the news story about the prince braking his wrist isn't a huge story but because of the power he holds and how important he is to the country, It makes the story bigger and makes it more newsworthy. This proximity to the of the story is also high as it happened in the country he will one day be king of, which makes it important. There is simplicity in this news story as at the end of the day he is till human and people always brake their wrists and its simple for people to read too. This is a recent news story which also gives it its news value because its about a member of the royal family.  This news story also has a high personality as it has a high human element that many people can relate to and therefore sympathies with the prince. Finally it has a reference to elite nations and people as he is famous all over the world like the queen because they rule over a popular country.

The second news story, there has been a cure found for parkinson's disease. This story is extremely big as many people have suffered and died from parkinson's disease, therefore finding a cure will help millions of families all over the world. The proximity of the story is that its very close to a lot of people as the research was held in London in the university of science in Edinburgh. This a good news story which is unusual in news. Its not a simple story as lots of research and investigating went into finding this cure for people with the disease. Its recent which makes it exciting and thrilling for people who have the disease and could die from it. It has got currency as more investigations and tests will go on to make sure that the cure is safe and effective immediently for all patients that need the treatment immediately. It is a continuous story as we will find out what will happen to the people that are going to be testers for the treatment and if it cures everyone that has ben effected by the disease. The news story has parity as its usual to find a cure for a huge disease that has effected thousands of people, its also unique as this isn't something you would hear everyday as a news story which gives it high news value as many people wouldn't of heard about it before. Personality is a key thing for big news stories as it involves humans that are going to be treated. This is something that nobody could predict. Finally his is an exclusive story as no body would of heard about it until it hit the news papers or the news on the TV.

The third and final news story, the banks are rising the interest rate to 0.25% which means the banks will be getting richer. This is a huge story for the majority of the country as they will have a mortgage for their house or got bank loans for certain things that they have purchased, therefore they will want to know how much money they will have to pay out to the banks as this interest increase could cause them to go bankrupt or lose a lot of their valuables. This has got proximity as it is happening close to people as its happening to the whole of the U.K. This is band news for people who have to pay out big debts but good news for people that have got investors as they will get more money from their investors. It also has has got simplicity as it is easy to follow because its just about how the banks will be increasing their interest rates so that they will be getting more money. It is a recent story and it will be carrying on as the interest rates increase regularly. This has happened before therefore this story has continuity, banks have increased their interest rates before causing chaos throughout the county therefore it isn't unusual as its normal for the banks to do this sort of thing. Finally the story has personality as it involves the whole of the U.K. and therefore could be classed as predictable as people could of seen the banks increasing their interest rates as they do it often.

The Louise Clara Theory:

This theory shows a different approach to news worthiness stories. The Prince Charles story has immediacy as it is a new story that has happened recently, it also has nearness as people know the hospital and the important person that has broken his wrist. It does involve prominent people as its the prince of the UK therefore some readers who like the royal family will be shocked and have sympathy for the prince. Finally the story has magnitude as it will shock some readers what happened to the prince because of what happened and where it happened as you wouldn't expect someone to slip and break a wrist in a hospital.

The second news story has immediacy as it is a news story and uncommon to happen, it also has nearness because it happened in the London. The consequences that will effect the reader will be relief as they know that if anyone they know has parkinson, they will be okay as there is a cure for parkinson's and therefore they won't suffer. This is an extremely important news story as its unique and exclusive for anything this big to happen. This will also make the readers feel emotional and it also has human interest becuase if they know someone that day parkinson, as they can be cured from the illness now that a cure has been found.

Finally the last news story, it has immediacy as the banks have increased the interest rates which nobody knew about until it came into the news paper, it also has nearness as it has happened to everyone all over the country. The consequences for the reader are that they are going to have to pay more interest out on their loans or mortgages that they have had to take out on their houses or other valuables or items they have had to ask the bank money for. It has human interest as they are going to have to pay more money to the banks which is going ti effect them. finally it doesn't have magnitude as it is expected from the banks to increase their interest rates.
